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Operations & Sales Administrator- with Sales Experience

  • Remote, South Africa

CV or resume

Upload your CV or resume file

Upload a file or drag and drop here
Accepted files: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG and PNG up to 50MB.
My information

Fill out the information below

Upload a file or drag and drop here
Accepted files: PNG, JPG and JPEG up to 20MB.

Upload your cover letter

Upload a file or drag and drop here
Accepted files: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG and PNG up to 50MB.


Please fill in additional questions

Are you able to legally work in South Africa? (Citizen, Resident, Work Permit etc)
What is your highest level of education?
What languages are you fluent in? (Reading and writing)
How many years of work experience do you have in this industry?
This position may require international work hours and require you to work on a different time zone. Please select all the times you are prepared to work (in terms of SA time)